Discover jobs at StartupAZ Collective Companies

Featured Leadership Positions

StartupAZ powers the region’s highest potential startups through our
StartupAZ Collective. These innovative entrepreneurs are building world class
teams and need strong leaders for senior level positions.

Revolution Parts

senior marketing specialist
RevolutionParts is dedicated to modernizing the auto industry through our parts e-commerce platform. And we are pretty great at it too! We have enabled thousands of dealerships to sell auto parts online by transforming the way buyers and sellers connect.


senior security engineer
We believe that generosity has the power to create profound change in the world and in the heart of the giver. With that in mind, it’s our mission to move the needle on global generosity by helping nonprofits better connect with and inspire their givers.

Featured Company

Feautured Company

CEO PJ Likhmania

ovicare’s transitional care management software brings healthcare providers together to ensure efficiency, transparency, and increased patient satisfaction.

Interested in a leadership position?

If you’re interested in a leadership position at one of our up-and-coming, growth-ready companies, please tell us about yourself below. Include details of what your strengths and interests are so we can ensure the best fit.

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Are you a founder, investor or just someone who is passionate about supporting our local startups? Let’s get you plugged in.