Providing founders an unfair advantage.

StartupAZ exists to help Arizona’s most promising early-stage founders with access to the tools, resources, and talent to build great companies.

With access comes the responsibility to execute.

Where performance leads to generosity.

Company building is not for the faint of heart. It requires grit, determination and passion. The best leaders know that building a company is more than just hiring a team and building products. It’s about passion, commitment and generosity.

Generosity is at the core of what we do, supporting founders who are building high performing companies and paying it forward in our community.


Founders in StartupAZ Collective


Million Capital Raised


 Jobs created by SC founders

Emerging leaders coming together to level up!

Why Arizona?

Arizona consistently outpaces most of the nation in key performance growth indicators with Phoenix currently ranked 5th as the most populous city in the US. Why? Because Arizona remains one of the best places to live, work and play—making it an ideal place to start and grow a company. Cost of living, infrastructure, climate, transportation, and access to talent and other markets continue to drive exploration and innovation in new technologies, services, and products that, in turn, drive a revitalized, more resilient regional economy.

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